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The Lawyers Association of St. Louis

The Lawyers Association of St. Louis is a professional membership organization for trial attorneys in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Lawyers of all disciplines are encouraged to join. Besides educational CLE programs, the association sponsors a variety of social functions including its signature event – The Gridiron Show & Dinner.

Upcoming Events

Judicial Appreciation
Sep 26, 2024
The Judicial Appreciation program will be held on Thursday, September 26.  The location will be announced shortly.  Members of The Lawyers Association will honor members of the Bench at this annual event.  Sponsorships and pricing will be announced shortly.
Nov 22, 2024
The 67th Annual Gridiron Show will be held on Friday, November 22 at the St. Louis Marriott Grand Hotel.  Sponsorship and pricing will be available late summer.

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