Judicial Appreciation
September 26 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Judicial Appreciation program will be held on Thursday, September 26 at the MAC – Downtown. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. Judges Ellen Sue Levy (21st Judicial Circuit) and Daniel Pelikan (11th Judicial Circuit) and Commissioner Mary Greaves (22nd Judicial Circuit) will be honored. A special recognition will be given to Judge Rex Burlison. Teri Appelbaum of Padberg Appelbaum Knepper will be the featured speaker.
Tickets are $60 per LASL member and $75 for non members. Members of the Bench are free (however, reservations would be appreciated.
Sponsorships are available as well
Gold – $500 includes name recognition and 2 tickets to the event
Silver – $250 includes name recognition only